Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Signing Of The Year

In 2011 I had a decent year in this hobby. I didn't attend that many events for a couple of reasons. For one it's always the same damn people signing over and over. The other reason is that I'm not as passionate as I used to be for this hobby. I only make trips to L.A. and Orange County if it's someone that I don't have.

My 3 favorite signings of 2011 were:
  1. 2011 L.A. Fit Expo.
  2. Jerry West book signing linked here.
  3. Elgin Baylor autograph signing linked here.
Not only was the Fit Expo my favorite event of the year but it was the best event I have ever been to. It was everything that I love in life combined into one event. Beautiful girls, fitness and autographs. I did a re-post of the event with nothing changed.

I attended the L.A. Fit Expo on Saturday. Many celebrity appearances were scheduled throughout the day. One person that I was interested in meeting was Chuck Liddell. The night before the event Chuck posted on his twitter page that he was not going to attend. That didn't keep me from attending though. I took advantage of the people that did show. I was able to obtain many autographs. This will be quick and simple.

MMA Referee Herb Dean. Herb signed multiple items and posed for pics.

UFC fighter Clay "The Carpenter" Guida.

I got to meet my favorite MMA fighter. "The California Kid" Urijah Faber signed multiple items for his fans.

Carmen Electra also made an appearance to at the expo. She signed multiple items. Staff wanted fans to do group pics to keep the line moving faster. So J.R. had to squeeze in.

R&B Musician Brian McKnight was walking around the Expo.

Shawne "Lights Out" Merriman made an appearance to sign autographs. All fans had to do was buy a $10 raffle ticket to get an autograph. All proceeds went to charity.

As I was waiting in line for Shawne Merriman I heard a small commotion. Jose Canseco tried to stay low key with a hat and dark sunglasses. People still noticed him.

UFC fighter Anthony "Rumble" Johnson signed autographs and posed for pics.

UFC Fighter Krzysztof Soszynski also signed autographs and posed for pics.

Jay Cutler the bodybuilder signed autographs for the fans. Don't mistake him with Jay Cutler the football player.

"The Godfather of Bodybuilding" Charles Glass handed out protein packs.

Fitness Icon Greg Plitt

Last but not least. The woman were out in full force. They were all very kind. Enjoy the pics. I know I will.

Many supplements were handed out. They included protein packets, protein bars, meal replacements, creatine, fat burners, nitric oxide and HGH (Human Growth Hormone). After I got home I emptied my bags on the table. It's over $100 worth of supplements. I buy most of this stuff at GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe. I got to stock up on supplements for free.

This was without a doubt the best event I have ever been to in my life. I landed over ten different autographs and took many pics with celebs. Not to mention over $100 worth of free supplements. It was really worth my $10 admission fee.

I would like to thank Herb Dean, Urijah Faber, Clay Guida, Jay Cutler, Shawne Merriman, Krzysztof Soszynski, Carmen Electra, Jose Canseco, Brian McKnight, Charles Glass, Anthony Johnson, and Greg Plitt. I would also like to thank all the supplement companies for all the free giveaways. Especially Optimum Nutrition and ABB Performance who handed out tons of free stuff. The Fit Expo was a great event. I hope to attend next year.


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